Monday, December 3, 2007

Agriculture and Mining

Could be worse, I suppose, although I'm still kind of wishing next year would just start already, I'm over Morelli to be totally honest.

A&M finished 7-5 in the Big XII. They finished fourth in their six team division...I'm not really sure what that means but it sounds crappy. Their losses:

Miami on the road, 34-14
Texas Tech on the road, 35-7
Kansas at home, 19-7
Oklahoma on the road, 42-14
Missouri on the road, 40-26

Their best win was at home against Texas.

There will be plenty of time for analysis, but for a team that I know little about they appear to suck. Ya Texas is a decent win but it was at the end of the year and I doubt it meant much to the longhorns. There is also no excuse for losing to Miami this year. They were also totally dominated by the two best teams in their league.

Everyone enjoy the OSU-LSU shameless self promotion over the next month, also the occasional Bulldog-bitching about how they started the week #4 and somehow ended up #5 after the two top teams lost. Fuzzy math to say the least.

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